

I had no idea what to call the methodology of teaching one subject as opposed to all subjects in an elementary classroom. Upon looking around on the internet, I found this set of articles written by an educator on the benefits of doing it. Unfortunately, not enough research is available on single subject teaching. Not that I could find. I'm not going to give up though!
On a side note:
I found plenty of research on after-school programs. It will take me a while to go through them, but I will have that research posted in a week or so. Meanwhile, I'm still looking into charter schools and trying to get a handle on what the rules actually are and how they operate. I want to get two or three good examples of schools that are doing good things, as well as look into practices that may skew their results.
I still am of the opinion that having a good foundation makes for better students in college, and that is so much more apparent to me now. Being an educator that gets to see what happens when the connections haven't been made previously, I know that our students need more. They need innovation and for someone to care that they succeed. My biggest complaint from my students is that it seems as if their instructors could care less if they learn or not, or as my dad says, "they're trying to weed out the weak." A true educator wouldn't see weak students, but students who just need a different approach to learn like the rest of their peers.

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