
The Research Project

So, this is my first post of many, about my current project. Feedback is always welcome. I'm currently working on a research project where I want to explore different options for changing the methods of teaching. It's a shame when students get a good teacher and then have to leave them at the end of the year. Things that I am researching include extended school hours, longer breaks between subjects/classes, teachers sticking with students for more than one school year, teaching one subject as early as kindergarten or first grade, and aspects of curriculum development.
I'm currently looking for/at research that shows students learn better when they have the same teacher for more than one year. I also was able to visit China this spring and learned that their teachers teach one subject throughout their K-12 system. They also have breaks that are about 20 minutes throughout the day where children participate in activities that get them moving. This got me thinking about the struggle students in the U.S. have with obesity, restlessness, and boredom. It also was brought to my attention that children lose a lot over summer break. While I wouldn't immediately suggest that the school year be extended, I do want to look at how extending the school day could help to combat things that hinder education. Maybe incorporating those 20 minute breaks would help with the problems I listed above. Having after school programs for all students instead of just some may help to provide students with extra support on the things they work on in class and allow them more opportunities to socialize- helping students to curb their need to socialize during the school day. It may help them to form study groups as well, which is something that has been proven effective for college students.
Most importantly, in my experience schools have become less about learning and more about passing tests. As a result, we've had some really horrible stuff happen in this country. Teachers helping kids cheat, the rise of for-hire services that pretty much allow students to skirt around academic integrity... When will it stop? With the rise of the online school always comes the option for students to cheat in some way. How do instructors truly know that their students aren't just registered for the class but have someone else doing the work for them? We've given new meaning to "passing the buck" and now there's very little learning taking place.
As I begin my last semester of actual classes, I'm very pleased to know that my instructors care that I learn something. Making a test that is so difficult that none of your students can pass it doesn't make you a good teacher; it just proves you're not willing to actually teach. With the classes I have this semester, it isn't about passing a test- it's about learning something that will make me a better teacher.
In the future weeks, I'll be looking for feedback on ideas, places to get information, or just someone to offer their feedback on my ideas. This may lead to something big in the future.

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